I have officially become a video game geek. I mean yes, I have always loved RPGs (Role-playing Games, for the non-geekoids out there). But then I bought Dragon Age: Origins. I have been playing it pretty much non-stop! I can't freaking get enough of it!! I think I am on my third play through and I still haven't found all there is to find and do!!!!!!
My new friends are now the virtual ones that my character(s) have in the game. I found myself talking out loud to them yesterday. "Alistair dear, could you please make this giant spider stop eating my face. Okay, thanks."
This maybe a sign of something... but I don't know what.
But I really didn't notice that my geekdom was getting out of hand until this morning. Boyfriend is playing games on the XBOX and I can not play! It is hell! I want him to go study, not for the good of his grades but so that I can get on the freaking XBOX! I am jonesing to play! It is like crack man. I have to play it.
So since he refuses to go study, even though I have pointed out to him that his grade could be suffering, I decided to read up on Dragon Age. Yes, that is correct. I LOOKED UP DRAGON AGE! I found the Dragon Age Wiki and now I know all the things I missed and that makes me want the XBOX that much freaking more!!
To make matters worse. I "liked" Dragon Age on my personal Facebook page and now it sends me cool things! Today it sent me Sunday comics that are video game related. I laughed. A lot. I actually got the geeky video game references. Just to show you how geeky I am - here is the comic that I actually laughed out loud to for about 3 minutes.
So yeah. I admit it. I am now a "gamer". Dragon Age 2 already has a release date. I was very disappointed to learn it wasn't until 2011. Damn it!!
My new friends are now the virtual ones that my character(s) have in the game. I found myself talking out loud to them yesterday. "Alistair dear, could you please make this giant spider stop eating my face. Okay, thanks."
This maybe a sign of something... but I don't know what.
But I really didn't notice that my geekdom was getting out of hand until this morning. Boyfriend is playing games on the XBOX and I can not play! It is hell! I want him to go study, not for the good of his grades but so that I can get on the freaking XBOX! I am jonesing to play! It is like crack man. I have to play it.
So since he refuses to go study, even though I have pointed out to him that his grade could be suffering, I decided to read up on Dragon Age. Yes, that is correct. I LOOKED UP DRAGON AGE! I found the Dragon Age Wiki and now I know all the things I missed and that makes me want the XBOX that much freaking more!!
To make matters worse. I "liked" Dragon Age on my personal Facebook page and now it sends me cool things! Today it sent me Sunday comics that are video game related. I laughed. A lot. I actually got the geeky video game references. Just to show you how geeky I am - here is the comic that I actually laughed out loud to for about 3 minutes.
So yeah. I admit it. I am now a "gamer". Dragon Age 2 already has a release date. I was very disappointed to learn it wasn't until 2011. Damn it!!